Thursday, March 11, 2010

Presentation: Identifying Objectives and Obtaining Executive Commitment for a KM Program

Special thanks again to Stan Garfield who was able to fill in as a presenter for us at the last minute this month. The presentation for the discussion Stan led, Identifying Objectives and Obtaining Executive Commitment for a KM Program, can be found below.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

March 9th Meeting: Stan Garfield on Identifying Objectives and Obtaining Executive Commitment for a KM Program

The presentation will combine content from two Masterclasses previously published in Inside Knowledge Magazine.

Identifying KM objectives: Identifying the top-three objectives of a knowledge management program is a crucial prerequisite.

The objectives of any organization are normally abundantly clear – to make money or to fulfill a particular purpose. The same is true for many organizational activities. But knowledge management, by its very nature, is different. It is multi-faceted and, in many respects, conceptual so that practitioners need to have a clear picture of the results they wish to achieve first before starting a KM program.

The ten commitments: The importance of securing high-level support for knowledge management is widely acknowledged, but little discussed.

The importance of obtaining high-level commitment is referenced in all the best knowledge management guides, but few detail how it should be done. Yet such support is a vital part of KM. It will ensure that your organization thoroughly supports the KM program to be implemented – and a lack of support can defeat a KM initiative before it has even really started.


Stan Garfield
- Community Evangelist in the Global Consulting Knowledge Management Group, Deloitte, 2008-present
- Retail & Consumer Knowledge Domain Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2008
- Manager at HP, Compaq, and Digital Equipment Corp., 1983-2008
* Launched Digital's first knowledge management program in 1996
* Helped develop the corporate KM strategy for Compaq in 2000
* Led the Worldwide Consulting & Integration Knowledge Management Program for Hewlett-Packard, 2004-2008
- Published the book “Implementing a Successful KM Programme” in 2007
- Lead the SIKM Leaders Community with 400 members globally
- Invited to present at numerous conferences, most recently at KMWorld 2009, and next at KM & Collaboration Australia 2010