General Meeting
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014*
Keller Graduate School of Management
Chicago Loop Center
225 West Washington Street
Chicago, IL 60606
Corner of Washington and Franklin streets
5:00 to 5:30 PM – Networking
5:30 to 7:00 PM – “Experts Telling Relevant Advice”
Mike McGarry***, president of
Socratic Arts will demonstrate how a
sophisticated indexing system supports decision making by bringing relevant
stories to users as needed. Taking on the challenge of delivering tacit
knowledge just in time, he will show us ExTRA (Experts Telling Relevant
Advice) as it's being used in healthcare to support patients facing a variety
of health decisions.
* In order to accommodate our members, going forward, KM Chicago General
Meetings will alternate the second, third or fourth Tuesday of every month.
** Please register by emailing your name and organization to no later than April 18th.