Register now for KM consultant Kathy Hagen's jam-packed training/discussion session on facilitating knowledge transfer in various workplace situations. Learn how to capture critical knowledge, information and insights before it is lost to staff retirements or reorganizations.
The workshop is Tues Oct 8 from noon to 5 at 200 S. Wacker in Chicago. It's being brought to you by KM Chicago and SLA Illinois with sponsorship from Threshold Information.
This class will help you build awareness of and develop practical skills to identify, assess and transfer business critical knowledge. We will also review how to scope a potential knowledge transfer project, including contracting and setting expectations.
This class will help you build awareness of and develop practical skills to identify, assess and transfer business critical knowledge. We will also review how to scope a potential knowledge transfer project, including contracting and setting expectations.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Illini Center– Orange & Blue Room
200 S. Wacker 1st floor, Chicago, IL
Fee: $60
Boxed lunch included
Questions? Email Alisun DeKock ( or Cynthia Lesky (