Friday, April 15, 2011

"Sharing Hidden Know-How" now available

During our February meeting Kate Pugh walked our community through the process of a Knowledge Jam, and shared insights from her then-upcoming book Sharing Hidden Know-How, now shipping on Amazon.
Sharing Hidden Know-How” introduces the conversation-based Knowledge Jam method, which pairs experts and teams who hold organizational knowledge with the people who need to use that knowledge. Adding the disciplines of facilitation and translation to the conversation discipline, Knowledge Jam accelerates innovation and improves business practices by uncovering startling insights, and moving them into practice. Pugh shows how organizations can then maximize combined knowledge during merger integrations, smooth executive transitions and succession planning, optimize off-shoring and outsourcing, and make social media initiatives more productive.
Full press release available here.

March & April Meeting Slides Posted

The slides for both our March and April meetings have been posted to KM Chicago's Slideshare account.

KM Chicago April 12th meeting: Commercial Sector Applications of Geographic Information Systems, with Dr. Charles Linville

March 8th Meeting: Knowledge Management & Learning, with Lisa Beckers

Learning and Knowledge Alignment

View more presentations from KM Chicago