Wednesday, March 02, 2011

March 8th Meeting: Knowledge Management & Learning, with Lisa Beckers

Join our us for a discussion of the connection between knowledge management in learning led by Lisa Beckers, Sr. Manager overseeing learning and knowledge management for Deloitte’s Global Industries.

Lisa will share some work done to in define a vision for how to integrate these functions in order to add value to a business, challenges and tactical ways to KM and learning can work together. We hope that a good portion of this time will be brainstorming and open discussion that helps anyone interested in this area consider the broad impact integrating these functions can have and how they might help move their organizations in that direction.

KM Chicago meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm
Two options for attending meetings:

  • Dow Jones Company –Factiva, One South Wacker Drive, 22 floor, Chicago IL 60606
  • Web Conference Details:
    • To join Livemeeting: 
    • You will be prompted to enter your name and email address(If you have never used LiveMeeting, you will also be asked to download a plug-in)
    • For audio: 877-659-4152, PIN 8667037

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